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Name: ymmatammy
Home: Berkeley, California, United States
About Me: Currently a student at the University of California, Berkeley majoring in Economics. Soon-to-be graduate. Looking to take advantage of what time I have left before I get thrown into the real world--I want to take photos, travel and eat good food. I like to play tennis, design things, make things from scratch and cook.
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III you know what i really don't like?
     August 17, 2007 // 11:06 PM

I don't like it when people say "I don't know."

I know I say it, too, but it would just be nice for you to go find out the answer instead of just leaving with "I don't know." Seriously.

So I watched freaking High School Musical 2 just now. I missed the first part but you don't really need to know what happens. Pretty damn self explanatory. Boy did that movie remind me of someone or what. Everything but the ridiculously cute ending with Zac Efron. Gosh can they stop being so fucking cute. Breaks my damn freaking heart.

I'm really sad that school has to start. Actually, no, I'm pretty excited for school to start, but I'm really scared about how I'm going to feel to leave people again. I really need to stop being frustrated and just stop being really stupid. I wish I were really super awesome and had everything going for me. I wish I had everything I could ever want and I wish I could feel really special.

Fuck I need really good tv, really good nights, really good people with me, really good days, really good music, really good sleep, and a whole freaking lot of love that I seem to have lost somewhere along the way.


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