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Name: ymmatammy
Home: Berkeley, California, United States
About Me: Currently a student at the University of California, Berkeley majoring in Economics. Soon-to-be graduate. Looking to take advantage of what time I have left before I get thrown into the real world--I want to take photos, travel and eat good food. I like to play tennis, design things, make things from scratch and cook.
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III when does it stop
     August 11, 2007 // 2:24 PM

Last night, I watched The Bourne Ultimatum with Matt Damon and I must say, it was one of, if the not the best action movie I've yet to see. It was just amazing! Matt Damon is absolutely superb and the whole movie was just wonderful! I didn't want it to end, but you know, 10 dollar can only get you so much at a movie theater. Anyways, I highly recommend people watch this movie. You don't necessarily need to watch the Bourne Identity or Bourne Supremacy to understand it either, but I did and I guess it helps. Weird because the last scene in the Bourne Supremacy was literally cut and pasted into the middle-end of Ultimatum. I felt like I was watching Supremacy again, but then maybe they put it in Supremacy as a cliff hanger? Well, it doesn't matter, it worked in the movie anyways. So everyone go watch it. And go love Matt Damon the way I do.

Today will be a very interesting day indeed. I feel like I'm in for a very messy night. And all I want to do is enjoy my summer. I think it's taking too much work and effort to try to enjoy the summer the way I want. Somehow I just keep getting run over and if one thing isn't wrong, it's another. I don't get why I have such terrible fortune. I don't understand why although I work hard for something, I don't seem to get rewarded; I just keep getting more obstacles to go through and get myself more frustrated. I don't get it! I thought I was a pretty good person. Why can't I just be appreciated like every other girl in the world? I'm such a stupid idiot. I'm suppose to be happy during summer break! This is the time to not be sad. Gosh I'm so upset with myself.

Anyways, if anything good happens today, it will be the fact that I got onto the wait-list for Stats 20. Finally. For some reason, there were like 6 people who dropped out of it in a day. Shrug.


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