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Name: ymmatammy
Home: Berkeley, California, United States
About Me: Currently a student at the University of California, Berkeley majoring in Economics. Soon-to-be graduate. Looking to take advantage of what time I have left before I get thrown into the real world--I want to take photos, travel and eat good food. I like to play tennis, design things, make things from scratch and cook.
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III from the west coast to the northern lights
     August 13, 2007 // 2:37 PM

The meteor shower was great last night. I wish I could've stayed out there longer. A couple of them that I saw were just amazing!! So pretty and bright! A bunch of us camped out at Rancho's field last night and lounged around looking towards the hills. A few people left figuring it was a little hopeless, but after they left oh my did we see some beautiful ones!!! They were absolutely wonderful! They made me really happy. There were one of two of them that I saw that were PERFECT: big, bright, and slow. Oh I wish I could see that every night. At one point they did start coming one every couple of minutes. Two came in a matter of 30 seconds. It was just great. I wish I could've just slept outside and watched them the whole night. They were got better and better as it got later and later. We saw the Big Dipper too. Finally in my life I know where to find the Big Dipper. I hadn't seen it before. Finally I've caught up with the times. haha..

Anyways, as I was looking at the Perseid video on YouTube and I ran into a video of the Aurora Borealis aka the Northern Lights and if there's one thing I want to see before I die, it's that. Do you realize people who live in proximity to the Arctic Circle (Finland, Alaska, Canada, even US states along the Canadian border) see these things constantly? In some places you can see them nearly EVERY night. Can you imagine? EVERY NIGHT? I'm happy after seeing a couple of shooting stars last night, but to see the Northern or Southern Lights every night? I don't even know. I can't even begin to think about how happy and lucky I'd feel to see the Northern Lights just once. Oh my, it's so beautiful! I was captivated but YouTube videos on the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis and gosh, to imagine these people who are lucky enough to see something like that. Damn. Supposedly the Lights send off a frequency that can be picked up by a radio and theres a video where you can actually hear the Lights. Kind of freaky--a bunch of whistling and howling. But wonderful anyways!

I'm quite sore today. Oh well. I've gotten off my butt more often this summer than last which is good. Karaoke this week? Yipee. You know what song I really like? The Delays - You & Me. I like those kinds of songs that just make you excited.

Oh gosh, did I mention Djokovic beat Federer?!? Oh man. GOOD DEAL. I'm so happy about that. Although he beat Andy too, I mean, that's not a big deal considering the guy can beat Federer. Good freaking deal.

2 weeks from now, I'll be getting back from class. Oh goshhhhh. Say it ain't so. No way to express how sad I am about that.


At Tue Nov 11, 07:07:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...
Good for people to know.


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