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Name: ymmatammy
Home: Berkeley, California, United States
About Me: Currently a student at the University of California, Berkeley majoring in Economics. Soon-to-be graduate. Looking to take advantage of what time I have left before I get thrown into the real world--I want to take photos, travel and eat good food. I like to play tennis, design things, make things from scratch and cook.
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III cozy in the rocket
     August 26, 2007 // 12:52 AM

I am currently sitting on my nice comfy foam mattress from IKEA in my nice cozy room in my nice cozy apartment in cold crowded and noisy Berkeley. Yay for life for the next year! Not really. I'm only semi-excited. I dread being bored as hell. At least in the dorms, I was walking distance away from other human beings. I think I will be sad later that I didn't live on southside. Instead, I'm on westside. Big difference.

Caltopia was pretty fun, got a bunch of free stuff. I think the best of with was a clock. Yay! I took a whole bunch of Cal/Go Bears posters that I don't know what to do with now. I also won myself some Balls of Fury ping pong balls. A bunch of Milpitians were up here yesterday to play. It felt like I was at home! Then everyone left. Oh well. I have to get used to it some time. Man my money is running out so fast. I spent like $200 in 2 days. Stupid books. I forgot a lot of stuff at home too. Poo.

I watched Superbad today with Abhishek and Greg and company. It was pretty funny. The funniest part was definitely when some guy in the theater was cheering on "McLovin." Good stuff.

So last week I went to San Francisco with Kevin. We went to the only place we haven't gone yet, which was the Golden Gate Bridge. It was sooo beautiful! We went to Crissy Field and took a wrong turn getting out and ended up reaching the viewing point for the bridge. We decided to walk on it until we hit the first tower. It was wonderful! Not to mention very windy. But it was wonderful nonetheless. There were a ton of people but it was nice. A foreign guy from Europe I believe asked me to take a picture for him. It was really windy and my hair got in the way of the picture when I took it. It was a disposable camera so I asked him if he wanted me to take another one for him but he said no. I felt bad. I hope I didn't ruin his picture. He was really friendly. Oh! While we were on the bridge we say windsurfers down below. Crazy asses. I can't believe they'd go so far in the ocean with just a damn sail.

The day after a bunch of us headed over to Santa Cruz for a mini-roadtrip in replacement of a failed camping trip and failed LA/SD trip. Kevin almost killed us on the way over there but it's all dandy. Dallis' place was a block from the Boardwalk so that's basically what we did all day. That and beach and cook. We made use of just ONE knife, no microwave, no oven mits, no chopsticks or spatulas... it was really difficult but it was all fun. We drove up to UCSC too. That place was beautiful! It was about 8ish when we went up there so it was quiet. The bridges freaked me out and we saw deer!!! Three of them!! We sort of took a wrong turn and got lost but it was all good. Oh man, while in SC, we went to Fosters Freeze and I had a Cookie Dough Twister--basically the best thing ever made. I freaking love cookie dough now. I think I will get that next week when I go home. Freaking cookie dough ice cream at Safeway today cost $4!!! Ridiculous. It wasn't even Slow Churned. tsk tsk.

Alright, I'm damn tired. Goodnight!


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